vLAYERK Rewards
vLFi Rewards: Maximize your staking benefits, understanding how to optimize rewards and benefits within the LFi ecosystem. Just holding vLAYERK users will receive vLAYERK rewards from the ecosystem
vLAYERK Rewards
By vesting LAYERK, users receive vLAYERK with access to services and benefits from the ecosystem. Just holding vLAYERK users will receive vLAYERK rewards from the ecosystem, based on this formula:
Total vLAYERK block rewards are calculated as:
vLAYERK rewards for the first six months are as follows. These are projections based on our calculated estimations. APR is the ratio between the number of tokens released by the ecosystem in one month and the quantity of vLAYERK in circulation. The lower the quantity of vLAYERK in circulation, the higher the APR.
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